Professor Joseph L. Mbele is a professor of English at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, USA.
I first meet him in 2007 when he was with Professor William S. Davis. For me it was a remarkable step to meet this ambitious man. As we were having barbecue in local restaurant we talked and discuss lots of issues regarding culture, economy and even political.
Prof. Mbele is a person who has a strong solidarity for his country. I remember met him for the first time, He told us a lot about life in the USA and why he decided to write a book known as Africans and Americans –Embracing Cultural Differences.
The book is very informative and helps people to understand each others especially between Africans and Americans.
Mbele left two books for us: Matengo Folktales and African and Americans Embracing cultural differences. I f any one get a chance to read these books, please do.
I can say that Mbele is a good example to be followed by any one in Tanzania or elsewhere. Most people think of moving to Europe or America to have better life. Even intellectuals, then the country like Tanzania remain to have brain drain. Just think about this: For 16 years living in USA and teaching but Prof. Mbele will come back to Tanzania. He still has his Tanzanian passport. As best example.
This year on June I meet him again and guided his students in my home village of Mto wa Mbu. On this tour student from Colorado College study the book known as Green Hills of Africa written buy Ernest Hemingway.
In this course known as Hemingway in East Africa there were 12 students in 2007 and this year, 2008 there were 19 students.
Students are on the steps of Hemingway in east Africa. Apart from reading Ernest Hemingway writings in the book-the green hills of Africa, they also visit people through programmes such as Cultural tourism Programme and they even visit national parks. In that case they contribute to the economy of our country-Tanzania and share the experience and ideas with the local people.
To us Tanzanians we learn to colonize our minds not to be dependent. As through what Mbele is doing we get interaction with people from abroad and understand what we should copy or not to copy from them.
This course helps students to understand Africa-her people, culture traditions, norms and everyday life.
Hemingway in East Africa courses, it is the literature study in the field not only in the class.
Let’s read the book “Africans and Americans –Embracing Cultural Difference, then no one will dream to have better life in USA or Europe. Let’s remember life is how you make it. In our motherland we can make it. We have a role to play in our country. We are the one to build our country and no one else.
I have enjoyed the times I have spent with you, at Mto wa Mbu. I admire your commitment to promoting cultural tourism, educating yourselves and others, and promoting mutual understanding in the world. I wish you the best in your work.
Thomas... how is it
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